Friday, October 24, 2008

So how many of these figure competitors are using steroids?

Makes one wonder.......I'm still at the amateur level and have recently come across some girls actually using pre cursors and mild steroids.  What the hell?  Now.....not is it not fair for us girls busting our asses 3 hours a day, but why put your body thru such hell? IT CAN BE DONE NATURALLY!!! They have no idea what they are doing to their bodies; hair in unwanted places, acne, throwing off their natural hormone balance, decreasing their natural breast tissue and god knows what is waiting for them later on in life.  

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The countdown is still going............

So after a very stupid mistake on my part, not measuring my food! :( I'm on track and feeling every minute of it :) I do this sport because I love it; the stage, the competition and the people, so don't think I'm complaining. Just venting :) So now I'm up to atleast 90 minutes of cardio a day PLUS lifting 45 minutes, remember only the strong survive. I'm trying to get in the 120 minutes of cardio, but with work it can often be hard so I'm doing what I can. "Just push a little harder, dig a little bit deeper"...............are often the words that repeat in my head to push myself those last moments in my workout. I'm still trying to get down about 15 lbs. by contest date (factoring in water weight) so we'll see how this pans out. My carb levels are pretty low at this point, about 70 grams a day so you can imagine my energy levels. The tanning process has begun; atleast 4 times a week sitting in that bed! Thank god for turbo beds :0) heeheehee